School/training alterable social media ad template

Attract more interested applicants to your academic institution with this practical and professionally made flyer template. This is specifically made for all schools, private or public, from the elementary level all the way to college.

the templates comes with tow titles : a main offer title and a second offer tittle ... 2 offers and a free icon as well as a sale option icon . totally alterable.

the template is live and attractive threw specific colors like yellow that drowse attention. Yet, simple , direct and clear to the eye and understandable.

In addition to royalty-free graphics, it is paired with scalable vectors and suggestive content for added convenience. This template comes in  editable Adobe Photoshop format or jpng

 Such a high-quality template at such a reasonable price should not be missed!

PS: if you are interested in a custom made template please let me know in the comments below 

School/training alterable social media add template
