Spanish _ Arabic Geometry flashcards printable file for kids or adults learning Arabic or Spanish + Verbe
Spanish /Arabic Geometry cards | math shapes , lines and tools + a verb | Digital file | instant download printable|
The geometry shapes flashcards pack contains : 6 colored illustrated flashcards
in which: 8 flashcards that contains different shapes of geometry + 1 card of lines + 1 card of geometry tools + 1 Verb Card to learn how to express yourself .
It's an integrated pack of 6 cards where u can learn and exercise , express yourself and have fun.
Made for anyone learning Arabic or Spanish who would need to talk about general discutions of our lives.
The Spanish - Arabic geometry shapes flashcards is the perfect addition to your language learning Kit.
Digital download (a winrar file of 6 images)
These are digital images file for downloading & printing
the images can be printed in any format for its excellent quality
No physical item will be shipped
You can edit it to print 2 big flashcards per page or 4 regular size in one page. I recommend printing on thick paper if you want to use it as a flashcard or laminating it once printed.
This listing is for an INSTANT DOWNLOAD.
You will receive a DIGITAL FILE
All copyrights remains with the designer.

Download > print > start learning :)
Salam Alikum , Peace 🙋
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