A beach from Algeria 1: beach of Oued Gseb 2

A view on the medeteranian sea from Tenes, Chlef, Algeria.

Today it's a bit wavy and cold  , the wind is strongly pushing the waves on the standing rocks,  you could hear the sound of it crashing on the stones of the cold beach .
It's Oued_el_Gseb beach 2 in the western side of Tnes city in Chlef State, Algeria.
This beach is actually a hidden beach,that only few poeple know about.  It is hidden by several governmental  tourists complexes like the summer camp of boy scouts, you could only access it by being in one of those complexes  or by an unnamed,  undone side way .
What makes this beach special is the beauty of it . It's all made of colourful stones while standing rocks make a beautiful platform  that poeple use to jump from.
PS. Don't forgrt to have a look on my Blog  where i have beautifull printibles .
