A.B.F.A. 5: Traghnia Beach and waterfalls , Chlef .. Camp & swim

 The Tennis area in Chlef is characterized by the presence of stunning views that enchant the onlookers, especially in the area of Tragneh and its waterfalls, which are the destination of many.

A beautiful, breathtaking view of the clarity of the water, a masterpiece in the open air, making it a shrine for those looking for rest and recreation in the summer.

Before any  introduction , I'll give you directly the instructions to get to this pearl. on Google maps or any other map of Algeria you search for  Chlef , a northern state of Algeria. only 210 km east the well known Oran; or 200 km west the capitale of the country : Algiers. Precisely 50 km north to the coast ; by the blue dazzling Mediterranean sea you will find a city named Tenes . Now we have already talked about this city several times and we will in the future too  to speak about other beaches in it ( please check out the other articles for more information).

Once you Get to Tenes you'd want to go strate east passing by the white bridge & Oued Tssighaout ( river) follow the road to Cherchelle once you get out of the city  follow the road to a small village called  Traghnia where you'll find some local citizents selling delicious traditional bread and desert that you 'll enjoy for sure.  2 km more and you'll find just in front of a small restaurant a metallic door and : 

👏you're there !!! 

This Beach is  big hill with covered in pin trees forest . with a large parking area. the smell of the sea and the trees  and the fire camp is just beyond imaginary ( camping overs will know what i'm talking about) and when you get down the hill you'll get this large rocky beach that is rich of different species and creatures. the beach is just wonderful to swim and to fish and to dive. 

In Addition to All that the traghnea waterfalls  

The Tragneh Waterfalls are located in the outskirts of Tennis (55 km north of Chlef) one of the favorite tourist destinations for vacationers who found in it stunning natural beauty and a summer of another kind filled with challenge and adventure, especially through the difficult paths leading to it.

This area combines the green of the jungle with fresh water flowing from the top of the waterfall coming out of the mountain slopes.

Al-Targhaniah Falls is a virgin natural area that visitors enter through one of the forested paths at the level of National Road No. 11, and while it was previously the preserve of the people of the region, today it has become a destination for tourists from different states of the country, where the vacationer does not land on the beaches of tennis, but curiosity leads him to head towards Tragnya Falls.

Check Out our other Travel-Break articles 


A beach from Algeria 2:  beach of Sidi Merouane (Cap Tenes)  - Tnes, Chlef.
